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Find the order of balls asked in the ring.
Played 4388 times |
Let the chicken guess the number. He's extremely smart, especially for a chicken.
Played 4384 times |
Fork the mouse to protect your piece of cheese before it got eaten
Played 4382 times |
Ride the skateboard as Maxim
Played 4380 times |
Hit the balls as many times as you can in the time allotted
Played 4377 times |
Try to hit 50 sheeps with your 50 bullets
Played 4376 times |
Collect the beers and goto the exit
Played 4374 times |
Rescue the cyber mice by showing them the way to the big cheese.
Played 4373 times |
Play billiard - however, you only have limited time before the bomb detonated
Played 4368 times |
Add up numbers before the time runs out.
Played 4366 times |
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